CD-i Types

There are many differences between CD-i players. Most of the basic player models exist in several different generations, and even within the generations there are often different ROM versions. The same holds for the Digital Video Cartridges that can be used with CD-i players, although there are fewer versions of them.

The text file cditypes.rul defines rules to determine these types and is used by both CD-i Link and the CD-i Emulator program; the former normally uses an internal default version but it can also read the external text file.

The current version of this file covers most of the known CD-i players and DV cartridges but there are some holes and the file will be extended when more information becomes available.

The ROM tag matching rules contained in the 0.6.x versions of this file are not compatible with 0.5.x versions of CD-i Link and CD-i Emulator; a version stripped of those rules is available from the Downloads section: CD-i Types rule file version 0.6.0-beta1 stripped of ROM tag rules

Below you will find a pretty-printed version of the contents of the current version of this file, containing the following sections:

cditypes.rul - Defines rules for determining CD-i types

This file defines the rules that are used to determine the CD-i player ROM and model types. The rules are essentially conditions on the contents of the ROMs and check for presence and attributes (type/revision/size/etc) of the OS-9 modules in those ROMs.

Copyright (c) 2005-2021, CD-i Fan

This file is licensed under the GNU Library General Public License, version 2 or (at your option) any later version. The full terms of the license can be found in the file LCOPYING that you should have received with this file. You can also refer to the on-line version that can be found at


The rules specified below are based on generally available documentation and the CD-i players that I've had access to or that people have sent me CD-i Link information files for; further elaboration requires assistence from users. It would be helpful if you could send me the information file produced by cdilink -info whenever your CD-i player model and/or digital video cartridge type appears to be determined incorrectly. Please do not send the ROM files themselves as they are copyrighted and cannot be freely redistributed. You can reach me via email using cdifan (at) gmail (dot) com.


CD-i Fan




2005/04/01 cdifan Created.
2005/06/23 cdifan Version 0.5.1-beta.
2005/07/03 cdifan Added CD-i 210 F2 info.
2005/07/06 cdifan Added CD-i 370 info.
2005/07/07 cdifan Added CD-i 350 info.
2005/07/11 cdifan Added CD-i 490 info.
2005/07/13 cdifan Version 0.5.2 for cdilink-0.5.2.
2005/08/10 cdifan Added CD-i 220 F4 info.
2005/08/11 cdifan Added CD-i 470, CD-i 615, CD-i 660, CD-i 740 info.
2005/08/12 cdifan Added DVE-200 info.
2005/08/30 cdifan Added GDI-700 info.
2005/07/13 cdifan Version 0.5.2 for cdiemu-0.5.1c.
2005/09/10 cdifan Added CD-i 220 F2 info.
2005/09/10 cdifan Version 0.5.3.
2007/07/22 cdifan Added CD-i 220 F1 info.
2009/10/25 cdifan Added GMPEG AH0x ROM differentiation.
2009/11/03 cdifan Added CD-i 200 F1 info
2010/09/27 cdifan Added GMPEG AH0x DVC differentiation.
2010/10/02 cdifan Version 0.5.3-beta1.
2011/09/24 cdifan Added CD-i 180 F2 info.
2011/09/28 cdifan Updated CD-i 180 F2 info.
2011/11/14 cdifan Added Mono-VI info.
2011/11/14 cdifan Added CD-i 100V info.
2011/11/14 cdifan Added JNMS/Maxi-MMC info.
2011/11/14 cdifan Fixed misdetections.
2015/04/12 cdifan Version 0.5.3-beta4.
2019/09/17 cdifan Added CD-i 604 info.
2019/09/21 cdifan Added I2m info.
2020/10/11 cdifan Added Beocenter, Sony and Kyocera info.
2021/01/20 cdifan Version 0.6.0-beta0.
2021/01/31 cdifan Fixed misdetections.
2021/01/31 cdifan Harmonized ROM version titles.
2021/02/15 cdifan Added ROM versions based on ROM tags.
2021/02/20 cdifan Dropped Fx designations from all non-18x non-2xx players.
2021/03/27 cdifan Text and order corrections.
2021/03/27 cdifan Version 0.6.0-beta1.

Rule syntax

Each type rule is of the form
name.ext:[:] description
  condition ...
  condition ...
The first line of the rule is called the target line; it names the type and describes the targets that the rule is intended to match. A double colon :: indicates a fallback rule that will be ignored unless no other matching rule for the specific object type can be found.

The target line is followed by a number of condition lines; the rule will match a target when all the conditions on at least one of these lines match the target. Type names will often be used to name files; they should be lowercase and conform to 8.3 filename restrictions as much as possible.

Type extensions are used to limit matching to specific object types; the following extensions are currently used:
CD-i player ROM
CD-i player board
CD-i player model
CD-i player extension
CD-i digital video cartridge
Each condition is of the form [!]name [[!]attrcond ...], where name can either be the name of a type occurring elsewhere in the rules file, the name of a module to test for or the location of a ROM tag (ROM ID/release/checksum) of the form {nnnK} or {nnn.nK}. The name can include the wildcard characters * and ?; the * wildcard will always use the longest possible match (there is no backtracking). Module names and ROM tag locations can optionally be followed by one or more module attribute conditions; both names and conditions can be individually negated.

Attribute conditions are of the form [attr][match][radix]value, and specify the module attribute and how to match it against value.

Attribute characters attr specify the attribute to test; if no such character is present a default attribute is implied by the radix character. The attribute character must be at most one of:
module address (hexadecimal, modulo rom size)
module type (decimal)
module revision (hexadecimal)
Match characters match specify the relationship between the attribute value and the specified value; they must be at most two of:
string attribute must match string value
number attribute must be equal to number value
number attribute must be less then number value
number attribute must be greater then number value
If no attribute was previously specified, the string match character ~ will default to match against the first 1K of a data module and the number match characters will default to match against the module size in decimal. String and number matching characters cannot be mixed.

Radix characters radix specify the radix (decimal or hexadecimal) of a numeric value; if no attribute was previously specified they also imply a default attribute. The radix character must be at most one of:
decimal number (defaults to module edition)
hexadecimal number (defaults to module CRC)
Decimal numbers can optionally be followed by a K or k character which causes the number to be multiplied by 1024. Hexadecimal numbers can optionally have their digits separated by : characters which are ignored.

Many Philips and Philips-derived CD-i ROMs contain ROM tags consisting of a ROM ID byte, a ROM release byte and a ROM checksum word; these are often reported by low-level tests and ID/release are also encoded in the copyright number displayed by newer player shells. ROM tags are always placed in the 4 last visible bytes of the individual ROM chips. When two 8-bit ROM chips are used together, the interleaved 16-bit ROM image will have two interleaved ROM tags in the last 8 bytes.

ROM tag locations act as virtual modules where the attributes are set as follows:
set from the ROM ID byte(s)
set from the ROM release byte
set from the ROM checksum word(s)
set to the address just after the ROM tag
set to the size of the tagged ROM part
Some players can have multiple ROM tags in a single ROM image.

CD-i player and cartridge types

Most of the information in this section is derived from the 96/05 issue of The Interactive Engineer which contains a table of Philips CD-i player and DV cartridge models/generations with some commentary. An online version can be found at

Philips uses four levels of version numbers for its CD-i players: The model number indicates the basic features of the player such as form factor, color, etc. It is the most user-visible version number but unfortunately also the most useless one for typing purposes. The first digit of the model number indicates the general player class:
three-unit authoring player, e.g. 180
single-unit consumer player, e.g. 200, 205, 210, 220
portable consumer player, e.g. 350, 360, 370, 380
small form-factor consumer player, e.g. 450, 470, 490
small form-factor consumer player with DV cartridge, e.g. 550
professional or authoring player, e.g. 60x, 615, 660, 670
high-end consumer player, e.g. 740
US version of some 2xx player, e.g. 910
The phase number sometimes indicates generations of the player model; in this case it typically implies board type, including chipset revisions and i/o port capabilities. The phase number is almost never directly mentioned but can be inferred from the slash number. The model and phase numbers together pretty much specify the hardware of a Philips CD-i player.

The slash numbers indicate a market and usually a TV-standard as follows:
Europe (PAL)
General overseas
Japan (NTSC)
France (SECAM)
For the 18x and 2xx players the phase number is incorporated into the slash number by adding /20 for each new phase, starting with /00 for F1. With other players Philips uses the slash numbers differently, typically for variations (e.g. with/without DVC) or OEM versions.

The AH number indicates subgenerations of the player and is not very useful for hardware typing; it may imply player ROM versions.

A similar system is used for Philips digital video cartridges, except that the model numbers are of the form 22ER9xxx and the the AH number is important for the original 22ER9141 F1 cartridge because it implies some hardware differences.

For emulation the player board and extension and digital video cartridge types are the most important because the remaining differences are usually fairly minor. This file attempts to differentiate ROMs and players up to the phase number with rules based on OS-9 module presence and attributes. This is not always easy; various player models tend to use very similar ROMs. Differentiation of ROM versions is based solely on the ROM tag information.

CD-i player board types

CD-i player board types are easy to detect by the presence of driver modules for the various chipsets.

Board type names are chosen fairly arbitrarily except that all Mono-X board types have names of form monoN.brd where N is the decimal version of the roman numeral X.

For each board type type.brd a corresponding configuration file should exist for the CD-i Emulator program.

JNMS board

This board type is used in the Philips CD-i 180 authoring player.

The board contains the following chipsets/devices:

jnms.brd: JNMS board
    cdap18x rp5c15
    ps_small.font ps_kids.dyuv

Maxi-MMC board

This board type is used in the Philips CD-i 601/602 professional players.

The board contains the following chipsets/devices:

maximmc.brd: Maxi-MMC board
    cdapdriv ds1216 video #<51
    rb765 kb !kbdrvr

Mini-MMC board

This board type is used in the Philips CD-i 604 professional player, the Philips CD-i 605 authoring player, and early Philips consumer players such as the 205/910 and the 220 F1. The 350/360 portable player is based on this board.

The board contains the following chipsets/devices:

minimmc.brd: Mini-MMC board
    cdapdriv sgstom video #<51

Mono-I board

This board type is used in several Philips CD-i consumer players, most notably the 200 F1, 210 F1 and 220 F2.

The board contains the following chipsets/devices:

mono1.brd: Mono-I board
    cdapdriv video #>=51

Mono-II board

This board type is used in several Philips CD-i consumer players, most notably the 200 F2, 210 F2 and 220 F3.

The board contains the following chipsets/devices:

mono2.brd: Mono-II board

Mono-III board

This board type is used in several Philips CD-i consumer players, most notably the 200 F3, 210 F3 and 220 F4. The 380 portable player is also based on this board.

The board contains the following chipsets/devices:

mono3.brd: Mono-III board
    ciapdriv #<5 sldriv #>3

Mono-IV board

This board type is used in several Philips CD-i consumer players, most notably the 210 F4, 220 F5 and 470. The 615 and 660 professional players and the 740 high-end player also use this board.

The board contains the following chipsets/devices:

mono4.brd: Mono-IV board
    hobbes ciapdriv #>=5 video #<58

Mono-VI board

This board type is also called the OCC (One Chip CD-i) board and is supposedly used in some versions of the Philips CD-i 470 and 740 players.

The board contains the following chipsets/devices:

mono6.brd: Mono-VI board
    hobbes ciapdriv #>=5 video #>=58

FW380i board

This board type is a variation of the Mono-III board used in the Philips FW380i CD-i Mini System player.

The board contains the following chipsets/devices:

fw380i.brd: FW380i board
    ciapdriv ikatdriv

Roboco board

This board type is a variation of the Mono-III board used in several small form-factor Philips CD-i consumer players, most notably the 450; it is also used by several Goldstar players.

The board contains the following chipsets/devices:

roboco.brd: Roboco board
    ciapdriv sldriv #3

Portable CD-i board

This board type was manufactured by Goldstar and is used in several non-Philips players and the Philips CD-i 370 player.

The board contains an 68341 processor and the following chipsets/devices:

pcdi.brd: Portable CD-i board
    cddrv csd_pcdi

Kyocera board

This board type is used in the Kyocera Pro 1000S portable player.

The board contains the following chipsets/devices:

kcdi.brd: Kyocera board
    cddrvy rp5c15

Sony board

This board type is used in the Sony IVO-V10/V11 portable players.

The board contains the following chipsets/devices:

scdi.brd: Sony board

Media Playback CD-i board

This board type was manufactured by International Interactive media (I2m) and exists in PC ISA and PC/MAC PCI versions called MediaPlayback and MediaAuthor.

The board contains an 68341 processor and the following chipsets/devices: The board also features an integrated VMPEG or IMPEG card.

mcdi.brd: I2m CD-i board
    cddrv wdog

Unknown board

This is a fallback rule for otherwise unrecognized boards.

unknown.brd:: Unknown board

CD-i player system ROM types

CD-i player system ROM types are hard to detect because there are many versions and the ROMs for the very early and later players are very similar.

The names of the ROM types are chosen to closely match the player model, phase and optionally ROM release number, where possible. ROM type cdinnnxrr.rom indicates a Philips CD-i nnn Fn player ROM where n is the decimal version of the letter x (a = F1, etc). The ROM release suffix rr will be used where known from the ROM tag, it can also be omitted. For most non-Philips players, the cdi prefix is replaced with something else.

The CD-i Link program cdilink will use the system ROM type to name the system ROM images uploaded from a CD-i player.

Philips CD-i 180 F2 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi180b.rom: Philips CD-i 180 F2 system ROM
    csd_mmc jnms.brd

Philips CD-i 180 F2 auxiliary ROM

This ROM is used in the Philips CD-i 180 authoring player. It contains asset modules for the player shell; without them the player will boot but with reduced functionality.

aux180b.rom: Philips CD-i 180 F2 auxiliary ROM
    ps_small.font ps_kids.dyuv

Philips CD-i 200 F1 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi200a??.rom: Philips CD-i 200 F1 system ROM ?.?
    {512K} #$32 ::cdi200a.rom

cdi200a.rom: Philips CD-i 200 F1 system ROM
    csd_220 magnavox mono1.brd

Philips CD-i 200 F2 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi200b??.rom: Philips CD-i 200 F2 system ROM ?.?
    {512K} unknown ::cdi200b.rom

cdi200b.rom: Philips CD-i 200 F2 system ROM
    unknown mono2.brd

Philips CD-i 200 F3 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi200c??.rom: Philips CD-i 200 F3 system ROM ?.?
    {512K} unknown ::cdi200c.rom

cdi200c.rom: Philips CD-i 200 F3 system ROM
    unknown mono3.brd

Philips CD-i 205/910 F1 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi205a??.rom: Philips CD-i 205/910 F1 system ROM ?.?
    {511K} #$23 ::cdi205a.rom
    {511K} #$25 !/~0? ::cdi205a.rom

cdi205a.rom: Philips CD-i 205/910 F1 system ROM
    csd_205 minimmc.brd

Philips CD-i 210 F1 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi210a??.rom: Philips CD-i 210 F1 system ROM ?.?
    {512K} unknown ::cdi210a.rom

cdi210a.rom: Philips CD-i 210 F1 system ROM
    unknown mono1.brd

Philips CD-i 210 F2 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi210b??.rom: Philips CD-i 210 F2 system ROM ?.?
    {512K} #$41 ::cdi210b.rom

cdi210b.rom: Philips CD-i 210 F2 system ROM
    csd_220 mono2.brd

Philips CD-i 210 F3 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi210c??.rom: Philips CD-i 210 F3 system ROM ?.?
    {512K} #$61 ::cdi210c.rom

cdi210c.rom: Philips CD-i 210 F3 system ROM
    csd_450 mono3.brd sgstom ciapdriv

Philips CD-i 210 F4 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi210d??.rom: Philips CD-i 210 F4 system ROM ?.?
    {512K} unknown ::cdi210d.rom

cdi210d.rom: Philips CD-i 210 F4 system ROM
    unknown mono4.brd

Philips CD-i 220 F1 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi220a??.rom: Philips CD-i 220 F1 system ROM ?.?
    {511K} #$26 ::cdi220a.rom

cdi220a.rom: Philips CD-i 220 F1 system ROM
    csd_220 minimmc.brd

Philips CD-i 220 F2 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi220b??.rom: Philips CD-i 220 F2 system ROM ?.?
    {512K} #$30 ::cdi220b.rom

cdi220b.rom: Philips CD-i 220 F2 system ROM
    csd_220 !magnavox mono1.brd

Philips CD-i 220 F3 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi220c??.rom: Philips CD-i 220 F3 system ROM ?.?
    {512K} #$40 ::cdi220c.rom

cdi220c.rom: Philips CD-i 220 F3 system ROM
    csd_220f3 mono2.brd

Philips CD-i 220 F4 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi220d??.rom: Philips CD-i 220 F4 system ROM ?.?
    {512K} #$60 ::cdi220d.rom

cdi220d.rom: Philips CD-i 220 F4 system ROM
    csd_450 ds1216 pckdriv #<=11 mono3.brd

Philips CD-i 220 F5 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi220e??.rom: Philips CD-i 220 F5 system ROM ?.?
    {512K} unknown ::cdi220e.rom

cdi220e.rom: Philips CD-i 220 F5 system ROM
    unknown mono4.brd

Philips CD-i 350/360 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi350a??.rom: Philips CD-i 350/360 system ROM ?.?
    {511K} #$25 /~0? ::cdi350a.rom

cdi350a.rom: Philips CD-i 350/360 system ROM
    csd_360 minimmc.brd

Philips CD-i 370 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi370a??.rom: Philips CD-i 370 system ROM ?.?
    {512K} #$11 ::cdi370a.rom

cdi370a.rom: Philips CD-i 370 system ROM
    csd_pcdi pcdi.brd pckpcdi

Philips FW380i system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
fw380ia??.rom: Philips FW380i system ROM ?.?
    {512K} #$80 /~11 ::fw380ia.rom

fw380ia.rom: Philips FW380i system ROM
    csd_450 fw380i.brd

Philips CD-i 450 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi450a??.rom: Philips CD-i 450 system ROM ?.?
    {512K} #$50 ::cdi450a.rom

cdi450a.rom: Philips CD-i 450 system ROM
    csd_450 roboco.brd

Philips CD-i 470 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi470a??.rom: Philips CD-i 470 system ROM ?.?
    {512K} #$70 ::cdi470a.rom

cdi470a.rom: Philips CD-i 470 system ROM
    csd_450 sgstom hobdriv #<4 mono4.brd

Philips CD-i 490 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi490a??.rom: Philips CD-i 490 system ROM ?.?
    {512K} #$76 ::cdi490a.rom
    {512K} #$77 ::cdi490a.rom

cdi490a.rom: Philips CD-i 490 system ROM
    csd_470 mono4.brd

Philips CD-i 601 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi601a??.rom: Philips CD-i 601 system ROM ?.?
    {256K} #$10:11 ::cdi601a.rom

cdi601a??-??.rom: Philips CD-i 601 system ROM ?.? #??
    {128K} #$10 /~1?
    {128K} #$11 /~1?

cdi601a.rom: Philips CD-i 601 system ROM
    csd_6xx ds1216 maximmc.brd

Philips CD-i 601 auxiliary ROM

This ROM is used in the Philips CD-i 601 professional player. It contains auxiliary modules; without it the player won't boot.

aux601a??.rom: Philips CD-i 601 auxiliary ROM ?.?
    {255K} #$20:21 ::aux601a.rom

aux601a??-??.rom: Philips CD-i 601 auxiliary ROM ?.? #??
    {127.5K} #$20 /~1?
    {127.5K} #$21 /~1?

aux601a.rom: Philips CD-i 601 auxiliary ROM
    rb765 kb !kbdrvr

Philips CD-i 604 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi604a??.rom: Philips CD-i 604 system ROM ?.?
    {511K} #$13 ::cdi604a.rom

cdi604a.rom: Philips CD-i 604 system ROM
    csd_605 !emu minimmc.brd

Philips CD-i 605 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi605a??.rom: Philips CD-i 605 system ROM ?.?
    {511K} #$11 ::cdi605a.rom

cdi605a.rom: Philips CD-i 605 system ROM
    csd_6xx minimmc.brd
    csd_605 emu minimmc.brd

Philips CD-i 615 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi615a??.rom: Philips CD-i 615 system ROM ?.?
    {512K} #$74 kernel ::cdi615a.rom

cdi615a.rom: Philips CD-i 615 system ROM
    csd_615 mono4.brd ds1216 #4

Philips CD-i 660 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi660a??.rom: Philips CD-i 660 system ROM ?.?
    {512K} #$80 !/~11 ::cdi660a.rom

cdi660a.rom: Philips CD-i 660 system ROM
    csd_615 mono4.brd ds1216 !#4

Philips CD-i 670 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi670a??.rom: Philips CD-i 670 system ROM ?.?
    {512K} unknown ::cdi670a.rom

cdi670a.rom: Philips CD-i 670 system ROM
    csd_615 unknown mono4.brd ds1216 !#4

Philips CD-i 740 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi740a??.rom: Philips CD-i 740 system ROM ?.?
    {512K} #$75 ::cdi740a.rom

cdi740a.rom: Philips CD-i 740 system ROM
    csd_450 mono6.brd ds1216

Bang & Olufsen Beocenter AV5 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
beoav5a??.rom: Bang & Olufsen Beocenter AV5 system ROM ?.?
    {512K} #$71 ::beoav5a.rom

beoav5a.rom: Bang & Olufsen Beocenter AV5 system ROM
    bangdrv hobdriv mono4.brd

Grundig CD-i 100V system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi100v??.rom: Grundig CD-i 100V system ROM ?.?
    {512K} #$67 ::cdi100v.rom

cdi100v.rom: Grundig CD-i 100V system ROM
    csd_450 ds1216 hobdriv #>=4 pckdriv >=12 mono3.brd

Grundig CD-i 110E system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
cdi110e??.rom: Grundig CD-i 110E system ROM ?.?
    {512K} #$73 ::cdi110e.rom

cdi110e.rom: Grundig CD-i 110E system ROM
    csd_450 sgstom hobdriv #4 mono4.brd

Digital Video Systems VE-200 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
dve200a??.rom: Digital Video Systems VE-200 system ROM ?.?
    {512K} #$15 ::dve200a.rom

dve200a.rom: Digital Video Systems VE-200 system ROM
    csd_pcdi pcdi.brd pck700 nologo.img

LG GDI-700 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
gdi700a??.rom: LG GDI-700 system ROM ?.?
    {512K} #$12 ::gdi700a.rom

gdi700a.rom: LG GDI-700 system ROM
    csd_pcdi pcdi.brd pck700 cdc2.img

Kyocera Pro 1000S system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
pro1000s.rom: Kyocera Pro 1000S system ROM
    csd kcdi.brd

Sony IVO-V11 system ROM

This ROM is used in the following players:
ivov11a.rom: Sony IVO-V11 system ROM
    csd scdi.brd

International Interactive media (I2m) CD-i card ROM

This ROM is used by the following PC ISA and PC/MAC PCI cards:
i2m221a.rom: I2m CD-i board ROM

Unknown CD-i system ROM

This is a fallback rule for otherwise unrecognized ROMs.

cdi000x.rom:: Unknown CD-i system ROM

Philips CD-i 180 extension ROM

This ROM is used in the extension unit for the Philips CD-i 180 authoring player. This unit extends the player with two floppy drives and a serial and parallel port.

ext180b.rom: Philips CD-i 180 extension ROM
    t01 r0

Philips CD-i 605 extension ROM

This ROM is used on the extension board for the Philips CD-i 605 authoring player. This board extends the player with SCSI, Ethernet and parallel ports.

ext605a??.rom: Philips CD-i 605 extension ROM ?.?
    {512K} #$10:11 ::ext605a.rom

ext605a??-??.rom: Philips CD-i 605 extension ROM ?.? #??
    {256K} #$10 /~1?
    {256K} #$11 /~1?

ext605a.rom: Philips CD-i 605 extension ROM

Philips CD-i 615 extension ROM

This ROM is used on the extension board for the Philips CD-i 615 professional player. This board extends the player with IMPEG digital video, a ZIP drive and two serial / one printer / one AT keyboard ports.

ext615a??.rom: Philips CD-i 615 extension ROM ?.?
    {512K} #$74 MoviMan ::ext615a.rom

ext615a.rom: Philips CD-i 615 extension ROM

Philips CD-i 670 extension ROM

This ROM is used on the extension board for the Philips CD-i 670 professional player. This board extends the player with IMPEG digital video, a ZIP drive and two serial / one printer / one AT keyboard ports.

ext670a??.rom: Philips CD-i 670 extension ROM ?.?
    {512K} unknown MoviMan ::ext670a.rom

ext670a.rom: Philips CD-i 670 extension ROM for 670

CD-i digital video cartridge ROMs

CD-i digital video cartridge ROM types are easy to detect by the presence of driver modules for the various chipsets. Most cartridge types can be used in any CD-i player model with the correct number of interface connector pins (either 100 or 120).

The names of the ROM types are chosen to match the cartridge type and phase number and sometimes the ROM revision number but are otherwise fairly arbitrary. ROM type xmpegyrr.rom indicates a Philips XMPEG digital video cartridge with AH number 0y and ROM release rr; either y or rr is sometimes omitted. The abbreviation GMPEG is used for Gate Array.

All of the non-Philips players so far appear to use Philips digital video hardware, but integrated into the player instead of in a separated cartridge.

The CD-i Link program cdilink will use the cartridge ROM type to name the digital video cartridge ROM images uploaded from a CD-i player.

Philips GMPEG digital video cartridge ROM

This cartridge type is used with the Mini-MMC, Mono-I and Mono-II players, the model number is 22ER9141 F1. It is a 100-pin cartridge using an analog video interface. The AH00 version of this model does not have the 1MB memory extension.

gmpega??.rom: Philips GMPEG digital video cartridge ROM ?.?
    {128K} #$30:31 /~10 ::gmpega0.rom
    {128K} #$30:31 /~1? !/~10 ::gmpega1.rom
    {128K} #$10:11 /~2? !$7FA3:8EDD ::gmpega2.rom
    {128K} #$10:11 /~3? ::gmpega3.rom

gmpega??-??.rom: Philips GMPEG digital video cartridge ROM ?.? #??
    {64K} #$30 /~1?
    {64K} #$10 /~2? !$7FA3
    {64K} #$10 /~3?
    {64K} #$31 /~1?
    {64K} #$11 /~2? !$8EDD
    {64K} #$11 /~3?

Philips GMPEG digital video cartridge ROM for 605

Early versions of the regular CD-i digital video cartridge ROMs where not suitable for use in a 605 player; special versions of these ROMs suitable for the 605 have modified sysgo modules.

gmpeg605a??.rom: Philips GMPEG digital video cartridge ROM ?.? for 605
    {128K} #$10:11 /~2? $7FA3:8EDD ::gmpeg605a2.rom

gmpeg605a??-??.rom: Philips GMPEG digital video cartridge ROM ?.? #?? for 605
    {64K} #$10 /~2? $7FA3
    {64K} #$11 /~2? $8EDD

Philips GMPEG AH00 digital video cartridge ROM 1.0

This cartridge type is used mainly with the Philips 60x players, the model number is 22ER9141 F1 AH00. It is a 100-pin cartridge using an analog video interface. This model does not have the 1MB memory extension and uses ROM release 1.0.

gmpega0.rom: Philips GMPEG AH00 digital video cartridge ROM
    csd_fmv !vcd fmvdrv #3

Philips GMPEG AH01 digital video cartridge ROM 1.x

This cartridge type is used mainly with the Philips 60x players, the model number is 22ER9141 F1 AH01. It is a 100-pin cartridge using an analog video interface. This model does not have the 1MB memory extension and uses ROM releases 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3.

gmpega1.rom: Philips GMPEG AH01 digital video cartridge ROM
    csd_fmv !vcd fmvdrv #4

Philips GMPEG AH02 digital video cartridge ROM 2.x

This cartridge type is used mainly with the Philips 60x players, the model number is 22ER9141 F1 AH02. It is a 100-pin cartridge using an analog video interface. This model has the 1MB memory extension and uses ROM releases 2.x.

gmpega2.rom: Philips GMPEG AH02 digital video cartridge ROM
    csd_fmv !vcd fmvdrv #5 sysgo !$c777bc

Philips GMPEG AH02 digital video cartridge ROM 2.x for 605

This appears to be identical to gmpega2.rom above except for a different sysgo module suitable for the 605 authoring player.

gmpeg605a2.rom: Philips GMPEG AH02 digital video cartridge ROM for 605
    csd_fmv !vcd fmvdrv #5 sysgo $c777bc

Philips GMPEG AH03 digital video cartridge ROM 3.x

This cartridge type is used with Philips consumer players, the model number is 22ER9141 F1 AH03. It is a 100-pin cartridge using an analog video interface. This model has the 1MB memory extension and uses ROM releases 3.x.

gmpega3.rom: Philips GMPEG AH03 digital video cartridge ROM
    csd_fmv vcd

Philips VMPEG digital video cartridge ROM

This cartridge type is used with Philips consumer players, the model number is 22ER9141 F2 AH00. It is a 100-pin cartridge using an analog video interface. The ROM release is 4.x.

vmpega??.rom: Philips VMPEG digital video cartridge ROM ?.?
    {128K} #$10:11 /~4? !$03E9:4F30 ::vmpega.rom

vmpega??-??.rom: Philips VMPEG digital video cartridge ROM ?.? #??
    {64K} #$10 /~4? !$03E9
    {64K} #$11 /~4? !$4F30

vmpega.rom: Philips VMPEG digital video cartridge ROM 4.x
    csd_fmvvm !srcdat sysgo !$684fd7

Philips VMPEG digital video cartridge ROM 4.x for 605

This appears to be identical to vmpega.rom above except for a different sysgo module suitable for the 605 authoring player.

vmpeg605a??.rom: Philips VMPEG digital video cartridge ROM ?.? for 605
    {128K} #$10:11 /~4? $03E9:4F30 ::vmpeg605a.rom

vmpeg605a??-??.rom: Philips VMPEG digital video cartridge ROM ?.? #?? for 605
    {64K} #$10 /~4? $03E9
    {64K} #$11 /~4? $4F30

vmpeg605a.rom: Philips VMPEG digital video cartridge ROM for 605
    csd_fmvvm !srcdat sysgo $684fd7

Philips VMPEG digital video cartridge ROM

This cartridge type is used with Philips consumer players, the model number is 22ER9956 F2 AH00. It is a 120-pin cartridge using a digital video interface. The ROM release is 5.x.

vmpegb??.rom: Philips VMPEG digital video cartridge ROM ?.?
    {128K} #$10 /~5? ::vmpegb.rom

vmpegb.rom: Philips VMPEG digital video cartridge ROM 5.x
    csd_fmvvm srcdat

Philips IMPEG F1 digital video cartridge ROM

This cartridge type is used with Philips consumer players, the model number is 22ER9956 F1 AH00. It is a 120-pin cartridge using a digital video interface. The ROM release is 6.x.

impega??.rom: Philips IMPEG F1 digital video cartridge ROM ?.?
    {128K} #$10 /~6? csd_fmvimpeg !csd_615f ::impega.rom

impega.rom: Philips IMPEG F1 digital video cartridge ROM
    csd_fmvimpeg !csd_615g

Philips IMPEG F2 digital video cartridge ROM

This cartridge type is used with Philips consumer players, the model number is 22ER9956 F2 AH00. It is a 120-pin cartridge using a digital video interface. The ROM release is 6.x.

impegb??.rom: Philips IMPEG F2 digital video cartridge ROM ?.?
    {128K} #$10 /~6? csd_impeg ::impegb.rom

impegb.rom: Philips IMPEG F2 digital video cartridge ROM

Portable CD-i digital video pseudo-ROM

This pseudo-ROM type is used with Philips portable players.

pmpega.rom: Portable CD-i digital video ROM
    unknown fmvdrv #15

Unknown digital video cartridge ROM

This is a fallback rule for otherwise unrecognized ROMs.

xmpegx.rom:: Unknown digital video cartridge ROM

Unknown ROM

This is a fallback rule for otherwise unrecognized ROMs.

rom000x.rom:: Unknown ROM

CD-i player model types

Player model types are determined from board and ROM types, occasionally using additional conditions to differentiate between players with nearly identical hardware.

The names of the player types are chosen to closely match the model number; model type cdinnnx.mdl corresponds to the Philips CD-i nnn Fn player where n is the decimal version of the letter x (a = F1, b = F2, etc).

In some cases, a ROM revision digit is added to the model type name.

For each for each model type type.mdl a corresponding configuration file should exist for the CD-i Emulator program.

Philips CD-i 180 F2 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi180b.mdl: Philips CD-i 180 F2 player
    jnms.brd cdi180b*.rom
    jnms.brd aux180b*.rom

Philips CD-i 200 F1 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi200a.mdl: Philips CD-i 200 F1 player
    mono1.brd cdi200a*.rom

Philips CD-i 200 F2 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi200b.mdl: Philips CD-i 200 F2 player
    mono2.brd cdi200b*.rom

Philips CD-i 200 F3 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi200c.mdl: Philips CD-i 200 F3 player
    mono3.brd cdi200c*.rom

Philips CD-i 205/910 F1 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi205a.mdl: Philips CD-i 205/910 player
    minimmc.brd cdi205a*.rom

Philips CD-i 210 F1 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi210a.mdl: Philips CD-i 210 F1 player
    mono1.brd cdi210a*.rom

Philips CD-i 210 F2 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi210b.mdl: Philips CD-i 210 F2 player
    mono2.brd cdi210b*.rom

Philips CD-i 210 F3 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi210c.mdl: Philips CD-i 210 F3 player
    mono3.brd cdi210c*.rom

Philips CD-i 210 F4 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi210d.mdl: Philips CD-i 210 F4 player
    mono4.brd cdi210d*.rom

Philips CD-i 220 F1 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi220a.mdl: Philips CD-i 220 F1 player
    minimmc.brd cdi220a*.rom

Philips CD-i 220 F2 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi220b.mdl: Philips CD-i 220 F2 player
    mono1.brd cdi220b*.rom

Philips CD-i 220 F3 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi220c.mdl: Philips CD-i 220 F3 player
    mono2.brd cdi220c*.rom

Philips CD-i 220 F4 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi220d.mdl: Philips CD-i 220 F4 player
    mono3.brd cdi220d*.rom

Philips CD-i 220 F5 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi220e.mdl: Philips CD-i 220 F5 player
    mono4.brd cdi220e*.rom

Philips CD-i 350/360 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi350a.mdl: Philips CD-i 350/360 player
    minimmc.brd cdi350a*.rom

Philips CD-i 370 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi370a.mdl: Philips CD-i 370 player
    pcdi.brd cdi370a*.rom

Philips FW380i CD-i Mini System player

The following player models are of this type:
fw380ia.mdl: Philips FW380i player
    fw380i.brd fw380ia*.rom

Philips CD-i 450 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi450a.mdl: Philips CD-i 450 player
    roboco.brd cdi450a*.rom

Philips CD-i 470 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi470a.mdl: Philips CD-i 470 player
    mono4.brd cdi470a*.rom

Philips CD-i 490 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi490a.mdl: Philips CD-i 490 player
    mono4.brd cdi490a*.rom

Philips CD-i 601 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi601a.mdl: Philips CD-i 601 player
    maximmc.brd cdi601a*.rom
    maximmc.brd aux601a*.rom

Philips CD-i 604 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi604a.mdl: Philips CD-i 604 player
    minimmc.brd cdi604a*.rom

Philips CD-i 605 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi605a.mdl: Philips CD-i 605 player
    minimmc.brd cdi605a*.rom

Philips CD-i 615 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi615a.mdl: Philips CD-i 615 player
    mono4.brd cdi615a*.rom

Philips CD-i 660 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi660a.mdl: Philips CD-i 660 player
    mono4.brd cdi660a*.rom

Philips CD-i 670 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi670a.mdl: Philips CD-i 670 player
    mono4.brd cdi670a*.rom

Philips CD-i 740 player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi740a.mdl: Philips CD-i 740 player
    mono6.brd cdi740a*.rom

Bang & Olufsen Beocenter AV5 player

The following player models are of this type:
beoav5a.mdl: Bang & Olufsen Beocenter AV5 player
    mono4.brd beoav5a*.rom

Grundig CD-i 100V player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi100v.mdl: Grundig CD-i 100V player
    mono3.brd cdi100v*.rom

Grundig CD-i 110E player

The following player models are of this type:
cdi110e.mdl: Grundig CD-i 110E player
    mono4.brd cdi110e*.rom

Digital Video Systems VE-200 player

The following player models are of this type:
dve200a.mdl: Digital Video Systems VE-200 player
    pcdi.brd dve200a*.rom

LG GDI-700 player

The following player models are of this type:
gdi700a.mdl: LG GDI-700 player
    pcdi.brd gdi700a*.rom

Kyocera Pro 1000S player

The following player models are of this type:
pro1000s.mdl: Kyocera Pro 1000S player
    kcdi.brd pro1000s*.rom

Sony IVO-V11 player

The following player models are of this type:
ivov11a.mdl: Sony IVO-V11 player
    scdi.brd ivov11a*.rom

International Interactive media (I2m) CD-i card

The following PC ISA and PC/MAC PCI cards are of this type:
i2m221a.mdl: I2m CD-i card
    mcdi.brd i2m221*.rom

Unknown CD-i player

This is a fallback rule for otherwise unrecognized players.

cdi000x.mdl:: Unknown CD-i player
    unknown.brd cdi*.rom

CD-i extension types

Player extension types are determined from ROM types.

The names of the extension types are chosen to closely match the model number; extension type extnnnx.mdl corresponds to the extension board for the Philips CD-i nnn Fn player where n is the decimal version of the letter x (a = F1, b = F2, etc).

For each for each extension type type.ext a corresponding configuration file should exist for the CD-i emulator.

Philips CD-i 180 extension

The following extensions are of this type:
ext180.ext: Philips CD-i 180 extension

Philips CD-i 605 extension

The following extensions are of this type:
ext605.ext: Philips CD-i 605 extension

Philips CD-i 615 extension

The following extensions are of this type:
ext615.ext: Philips CD-i 615 extension

Philips CD-i 670 extension

The following extensions are of this type:
ext670.ext: Philips CD-i 670 extension

Unknown extensions

This is a fallback rule for otherwise unrecognized extensions.

ext000x.ext:: Unknown extension

CD-i digital video cartridge types

Digital video cartridge types are determined from ROM types.

The names of the ROM types are chosen to match the cartridge type and phase number but are otherwise fairly arbitrary. Cartridge type xmpegy.dvc indicates a Philips CD-i XMPEG digital video cartridge with AH number 0y; the y is sometimes omitted. The abbreviation GMPEG is used for Gate Array.

For each cartridge type type.dvc a corresponding configuration file should exist for the CD-i Emulator program.

Philips GMPEG digital video cartridge

Todo: Expand description.

gmpega0.dvc: Philips GMPEG AH00 digital video cartridge

gmpega1.dvc: Philips GMPEG AH01 digital video cartridge

gmpega2.dvc: Philips GMPEG AH02 digital video cartridge

gmpega3.dvc: Philips GMPEG AH03 digital video cartridge

Philips VMPEG digital video cartridge

Todo: Expand description.

vmpeg.dvc: Philips VMPEG digital video cartridge

Philips IMPEG digital video cartridge

Todo: Expand description.

impeg.dvc: Philips IMPEG digital video cartridge

Portable CD-i digital video

Todo: Expand description.

pmpeg.dvc: Portable CD-i digital video

mmpeg.dvc: I2m CD-i digital video
    mcdi.brd vmpeg

Unknown digital video cartridge

This is a fallback rule for otherwise unrecognized digital video cartridges.

xmpeg.dvc:: Unknown digital video cartridge
    ?mpeg*.rom !gmpeg*.rom !vmpeg*.rom !impeg*.rom

End of cditypes.rul file